What innovative elements can generate an experience of my brand for consumers? Which ones are meeting consumers’ needs today? How easily will other ones be adopted? What do consumers value in all the options offered by the internet of things? How do they let me differentiate my brand? What’s their functional, emotional, aspirational value?

Keys for your inspiration:

We’re experts at re-interpreting the brand experience in order to identify new territories and mark out the path for repositioning your brand.

We combine our cross-sectional view of uptake and consumption trends with our proven knowledge of new technology. This enables us to enhance our analysis and propose strategic recommendations in line with your business’s future.

Projects carried out for our clients:

· Innovation and development of new concepts
· Prospective workshops: The direction to move a category or product in
· Concept tests, product tests
· Usability tests, Beta tests, user panels, gang surveys
· Packaging tests, instruction manuals tests
· Ethnographic safaris and activation of the Point-of-Sale
· Purchase process and brand experience
· Customer Journey and Multi-Channel